Clocktail Records - .Various - Alchemy Of Consciousness

Alchemy Of Consciousness

Label: Clocktail Records
Genre: Psytrance
Release Date: 08 July 2016

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Digital Album

Alchemy Of Consciousness



Namaste & BooM Bolenath "Psychedelic World Community"! Dear ClockTail followers we proud presents to You 13th release - 10 previously unreleased tracks, or 11 tracks in variant of digital, our next step - 4th physical compilation narrated by Sergey MindWarp.This is a story which makes you smile & happy in every place of Earth whenever you'll listen it.Every track was be tasted on dancefloors all over the globe by producers and you'll like this mind blowing twisted tracklist which we are compiled for you! ClockTail crew would like to thank and respects: Our families & parents, all ukrainian & world psychedelic community. Vasily Konflux, Scott & Igor - Primordial Ooze, Elad & Eliran - Tsabeat & Bolenatix, David DikshaSynkronic, Fernando Smoke Ship, Corbin Highstyle, Paul Dunk ModuleOrganic Hybrid, Shaveer ChakraView, Felipe Fungoloyds, Andrea & Andrea - Hookers, William Telepathy & Mindworx Studios for mastering, Anastasia Elffuss for psychoactive design cover, Guiseppe (Looney Moon) you know for what :> Sorry if somebody was missed. [You are always will Know who You are!]


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