Voice of Cod is back with their second album, picking up from where from their smash release of 2006, “We Are Free” left off. The new album, 'Gone Fission' includes more collaborations and a mix of moods from the proggy grooves of 'A Little Tenderness' to the slamming 'C.P.R.' and ‘To Err is Hunam’. The level of musicality and production has moved on as well with Voice of Cod not afraid to show how they feel and tell it like it is. Voice of Cod have been playing at festivals and parties all over the planet, and have come back to the studio and created a fantastic new album. Already rated by DJs such as John 00 Fleming, and featuring some brilliant artwork by none other than the label manager himself, Chris Organic, ‘Gone Fission’ is the must have CD of the Xmas 2008 season.